Rapid progress in network expansion:O2 Telefónica meets expansion requirements of the Federal Network Agency

Credits: O2 Telefónica
O2 Telefónica has exceeded its obligation to commission 1,000 base stations - divided among the individual federal states - and make them available for 5G applications
O2 Telefónica has submitted its expansion figures to the Federal Network Agency to meet the coverage requirements as of the cut-off date of December 31, 2022. The telecommunications provider has completed an impressive network expansion program over the past three years: since 2020, O2 Telefónica has processed around 20,000 mobile sites to further improve the O2 network and achieve the required coverage levels. The company considers the obligations to have been met - taking into account legal and factual circumstances. In the case of the 5G rollout, O2 Telefónica has even far exceeded the required condition.

5G for over 75 percent of the population

O2 Telefónica is rapidly expanding its 5G network. The company already supplies over 75 percent of the population with the fast 5G mobile communications standard. O2 Telefónica has far exceeded its obligation to commission 1,000 base stations - divided among the individual federal states - and make them available for 5G applications. The company has put significantly more 5G stations into operation in each federal state than required by the stipulation.

Fast network for more than 98 percent of households

As required by the roll-out mandates, the telecommunications provider provides at least 98 percent of households with speeds of at least 100 Mbit/s in each of the 16 federal states. In many federal states, the company is even significantly exceeding the target. Across Germany, 99.3 percent of households can now surf the O2 network with at least 100 Mbit/s. As a result, O2 customers benefit from higher speeds and greater bandwidth when using their digital applications, especially in numerous rural areas.

Nationwide coverage on federal highways, federal roads and railroads

O2 Telefónica has also fulfilled its obligation to supply the most important traffic routes - federal highways, federal roads and railroads - as far as this was legally and actually possible. O2 Telefónica provides 99.9 percent of federal motorways with at least 100 Mbit/s. The most important federal highways are covered to around 100 percent with at least 100 Mbit/s, taking into account coverage by competitors, 99.6 percent of which is covered by O2's own network. The obligation to provide coverage of at least 100 Mbit/s on rail routes with more than 2,000 passengers per day has been met by O2 Telefónica to 99.2 percent.
Target "households"
Target "5G stations"
Target "traffic ways"

New locations to close white spots as a challenge

Each nationwide network operator was also given the task of setting up 500 base stations in previously defined white spots distributed throughout the federal states. The network operators entered into a cooperative arrangement for this purpose and shared the construction of the new sites. O2 Telefónica is therefore responsible for around 167 base stations on a pro rata basis and has so far been able to construct 61 of these. In addition, fulfillment was not yet possible as of the reporting date for both legal and factual reasons. This is due in particular to the relatively short lead time for planning and setting up new mobile communications sites in Germany. On average, it takes three years before the sites are put into operation. The network operators received the final definition of the white spots to be covered so late in 2021 that in many cases it was not feasible to implement the construction work. O2 Telefónica is continuing to work at full speed to build new mobile sites in the white spots and thus further improve coverage. In addition, the company has already been able to cover a large part of the defined areas with 100 Mbit/s via surrounding mobile sites as part of the normal network roll-out, thus closing white spots in numerous regions.

Network roll-out continues: coverage requirements in 2024 firmly in sight

O2 Telefónica is thus providing its consumers and business customers throughout Germany with an ever stronger and better-developed O2 mobile network
O2 Telefónica has met the deadline for the coverage obligation. Network expansion continues unhindered: the telecommunications provider already has its sights firmly set on meeting the next requirements. O2 Telefónica already provides at least 99 percent of all other federal highways, state and national roads, and all other railroads with the required speed. The company is therefore well on the way to meeting the requirements by the end of 2024. The company is thus providing its consumers and business customers throughout Germany with an ever stronger and better-developed O2 mobile network.