Politics & Society

Corporate Responsibility:

Responsibility in the digital transformation

Telefónica Deutschland plays an active role in shaping the digital change. In doing so, we are committed to responsible digitalisation that benefits everyone. With our corporate responsibility strategy we keep a close eye on the impact on people and the environment in all our business activities. Learn more about us


Diversity and democracy:

We connect people

Credits: iStock / adamkaz
At O2 Telefónica, we stand for diversity and connection. A clear stance against hatred, division and exclusion is therefore an integral part of our self-image. A large number of people from different cultures work in our company - and we are proud of that. Our customers and partners enrich us through their diversity. For us at O2 Telefónica, it is non-negotiable that these people and companies are and remain an integral part of Germany. Diversity strengthens our democracy by promoting a variety of opinions, ideas and solutions. Democracy is the foundation of a strong economy. The basis of our success as a business location in Germany is our strong liberal-democratic basic order.
Capital Representation:

Political representation of interests

We at Telefónica Deutschland are in regular contact with representatives from politics, administration, business and associations and actively participate in current debates on digital politics in Germany and Europe. O2 Telefónica has committed itself to transparent representation of interests and is entered in the lobby register of the German Bundestag.

O2 Telefónica in Berlin

Our representative office in the German capital and the BASECAMP are contact points for the political network of O2 Telefónica in Berlin and platforms for political and social discourse. Our O2 network enables many people in Germany to participate in digitization. The private-sector expansion and operation of digital infrastructures is of particular importance for politics and the state. This results in a regular need for exchange between O2 Telefónica and politics.

Events in Berlin

Robert Habeck
We enable the political environment in Berlin to have spaces for discussion and an active exchange of views on digital politics through our regular hybrid events. These include the public formats of the BASECAMP on site as well as digitally in the BASECAMP ON AIR and the events in the Digital Lounge that take place by personal invitation.

Contact & Associations

With our representative office in the German capital, we are in the immediate vicinity of all important contact persons of our company in Berlin. The office serves as a contact point for politics, business and associations. You can reach the team of the capital representative office at . O2 Telefónica is a member of the associations BITKOM, VATM, eco, D21, BVDW, BDI & FSM, among others.
Dialogue platform and debate room:

BASECAMP in Berlin

Discuss, participate, discover

The BASECAMP is O2 Telefónica's platform for digital thinking and doing. As a debate space, café and venue for unique events, it is also the platform for the digital community in the heart of Berlin: technologies, trends and developments are discussed that drive the digital transformation of our society and determine our future. As a knowledge hub, hybrid event space and important meeting place for the digital community, digital experts from politics, business, science and the media come together at the BASECAMP for exchange and discussion. To the BASECAMP website

BASECAMP Event Series

BASECAMP Podcast (only in German)

BASECAMP SMART CHAT (only in German)

News from the BASECAMP (only in German)