Strategy & Facts

Mobile communications in Germany:No provider connects more people

Telefónica Deutschland is one of the leading integrated telecommunications providers in Germany, with 45 million mobile telephone lines and 2.4 million broadband lines. We offer mobile and fixed network services for private and business customers as well as innovative digital solutions based on our infrastructure and the analysis of mobile data. More and more people in Germany are opting for O2 Telefónica’s very good network, excellent service and very good value for money. The company is in an excellent position for further growth.

Everyone should benefit from the digital advantages

Credits: Telefónica Deutschland
Digitization is not only changing all areas of our daily lives, it also offers great opportunities for a better life. As a telecommunications provider, we have clearly formulated our claim here: We are democratizing access to a sustainable, digital future to create a better everyday for all. This also applies to our employees: Digital processes make their everyday working lives easier, enable them to adopt hybrid working models consisting of office work and work from home, connect them with colleagues, and help them achieve common goals.

Springboard for digitization:

Credit: Telefónica Deutschland
Hardly any of the advances of the digital age would be possible without mobile communications: the smart networking of cities, intelligent energy systems and networked factories require high-performance networks. With the expansion of 5G, the role of mobile communications will become even more important. The great social challenge of our time - the climate change - can only be overcome through digital networking. As a network operator whose infrastructure is trusted by more than half of German households, O2 Telefónica is the springboard for this digitalization.

"Accelerated Growth & Efficiency Plan“:Sustainable, profitable growth for O2 Telefónica

Telefónica Deutschland has the largest mobile customer base of all network operators in Germany. We are accelerating our growth course on this foundation. We have set ourselves three priorities for this:

Grow market share

A resilient O2 Telefónica enriches the lives of its customers through digital experiences and products. High quality and good value for money democratize access to a sustainable digital future for all and secure O2 Telefónica's market share in the long term.

„As good“ network

O2 Telefónica's “very good” 5G network is growing - the latest technology “5G Plus” can already be used by about 97 percent of the German population. Thanks to nationwide 4G, rapid expansion of 5G and access to all technologies for the internet at home, O2 Telefónica is making it easier than ever to enter the digital world.

Accelerated transformation

The possibilities of digitalization and the increased use of artificial intelligence are changing the way we communicate and work. To meet the challenges of the future and increase efficiency, O2 Telefónica is transforming its IT landscape and processes sustainably.
The greatest potential for new growth is our customers. Because technology serves people. That is why we consistently put customer benefits at the center of everything we do. We want to be the best partner for mobile customers in the German market. To achieve this, we make our customers' lives easier and better and give them mobile freedom in the digital world.
We want to offer our customers a consistently positive experience in terms of brand, products, customer service, and network. The daily user experience should impress our customers in terms of simplicity, speed and performance. To achieve this, we want to know our customers' wishes and needs even better, respond to them in real time, and develop suitable products and services. In doing so, we place the highest value on enabling our customers to shape their digital lives in a self-determined manner.

Extensive offer:Mobile, fixed network and digital products of the future

Telefónica Deutschland offers innovative solutions for telecommunications and networking for private and business customers as well as for cities, municipalities and public companies.

Multi-brand strategy

Under the core brand O2 and various second and partner brands such as Blau, AY YILDIZ, Ortel Mobile, AldiTalk or Tchibo mobil, Telefónica Deutschland sells mobile phone products both on a contract basis (post-paid) and in the prepaid segment. This multi-brand strategy is a key success factor. It also provides innovative mobile data services for private, business and wholesale customers.

Complete and bundled offers

Foto: Gettyimages, Noel Hendrickson
The company has one of the most modern mobile communications networks in Germany. In addition to a high-performance GSM and LTE infrastructure, we are building a state-of-the-art 5G network faster than any network technology before. With our network, we are also a major wholesale provider for other telecommunications providers: For example, they use our infrastructure to provide their own services. In this way, Telefónica Deutschland contributes to vital competition and reaches additional customer groups. We are thus positioning ourselves as a leading provider of smartphone rates and products.

Future technology

Credits: Gettyimages
As a fully integrated telecommunications provider, Telefónica Deutschland also provides telephony and high-speed Internet products such as VDSL in the fixed-network area. Thanks to access to a nationwide cable network and an increasing number of fiber-optic structures, we can connect more people to fast broadband Internet than any other provider. In addition to its core business, Telefónica Deutschland is driving forward digital growth areas such as the Internet of Things. We are also focusing on the social and economic benefits that can be derived from the analysis of big data.

Exploiting growth potential:Highly profitable company in Europe's most attractive mobile communications market

Credits: Telefónica Deutschland / Faces by Frank
Telefónica Deutschland is the only local telecommunications provider with its own mobile network that focuses exclusively on Germany - the most attractive mobile market in Europe. No other country in Europe has such great development potential: Currently, mobile data use in Germany is growing exponentially and the trend towards greater data use and more end devices is continuing. However, in terms of mobile data use, Germany is only at the beginning by European standards. We want to help shape these developments in the market and exploit this growth potential. People are increasingly streaming music and videos on the move. In addition, the number of end devices and sensors connected to the network via mobile communications will continue to rise. At the same time, large amounts of data are being generated, the analysis of which creates considerable added value for the economy and society. All these factors show: There is considerable untapped potential in the German telecommunications market. We want to tap this potential.