Facts & figures

Foundation and history:Company data

Our history
Company name
  • Telefónica Germany Holding AG
  • Company headquarters: Munich
Parent company
  • Telefónica S.A. with headquarters in Madrid, Spain
  • Other companies of Telefónica Germany:
  • Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG and others
Foundation O2 as Viag Interkom 1995, E-Plus 1993 Here you can find the board of directors of Telefónica Germany Our factsheet for investors Key financial figures, customer development, shareholder structure

Further news

Annual results 2024: Successful strategy execution driving operating results growth at O2 Telefónica

Stability at the top: Supervisory Board extends Markus Haas' contract as CEO of O2 Telefónica until the end of 2028

Quarterly results: Strong customer growth drives O2 Telefónica’s profitability in the third quarter

Supervisory Board decision: CTIO Mallik Rao also responsible for the business customer division as well as “Data Platforms and Central AI” at O2 Telefónica