General Meeting
Annual General Meeting 2024

Please note: The following documents are convenience translations only. Please find the binding German versions here.
18 June 2024 |
Annual General Meeting 2024
The Annual General Meeting was held as a virtual Annual General Meeting on 18 June 2024 (CEST).
Convening of the Annual General Meeting |
Documents regarding item 1 on the agenda |
Separate Non-Financial Group Report 2023 in English |
Additional information regarding item 5 on the agenda Election of the auditor and group auditor for the financial year 2024 |
Additional Information regarding item 6 on the agenda (election to the supervisory board) 1) Michael Hoffmann Michael Hoffmann adds to the Supervisory Board as an independent member with long-standing experience in management positions and particular financial expertise both in accounting, including sustainability issues, sustainability reporting and internal control and risk management systems, as well as in auditing. He has been a member of the Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG since October 2012. Curriculum Vitae 2) Julio Linares López Julio Linares López adds to the Supervisory Board with his extensive and proven networking expertise and many years of international experience in management positions in the telecommunications industry (including former COO and Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Telefónica, S.A.). He has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG since October 2017. Curriculum Vitae |
Registration Form (incl. documents regarding powers of attorney and instructions) in English InvestorPortal LOGIN to the InvestorPortal |
Articles of Association in German / in English (as of May 2023) |
Countermotions and election proposals for the Annual General Meeting 2024 of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG (German versions only) We use capital letters to indicate election proposals and countermotions for which you can tick how you wish to vote directly under the capital letter on the registration form or in the InvestorPortal. The other countermotions, which merely reject proposals by the management, are not labelled with capital letters. If you wish to vote in favour of these countermotions, you must vote against the corresponding item on the agenda. The countermotions and election proposals and their explanatory statements reflect the views of the authors. Statements of fact and references to other websites have also been adopted without verification. Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG does not assume any responsibility for the content nor does it adopt other websites and their content as its own. The shareholder, Manfred Kratt, sent the following countermotion to agenda item 2: Antrag A Kratt, Manfred, Gegenantrag zu TOP 2 |
Data protection information |
FAQ in English |
Confirmation of the counting of votes pursuant to section 129 (5) sentence 1 AktG:
Pursuant to section 129 para. 5 sentence 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the person voting may request confirmation from the company within one month after the day of the Annual General Meeting as to whether and how his/her vote was counted. A request to this effect may be sent by e-mail to
Annual General Meeting 2023
Annual General Meeting 2022
Annual General Meeting 2021
Annual General Meeting 2020
Annual General Meeting 2019
Annual General Meeting 2018
Annual General Meeting 2017
Former General Meetings
Investor Relations
For any questions related with the Telefónica Deutschland share please contact our Investor Relations-Team.