Merger with E-Plus

Here you can find all information regarding the acquisition of the E-Plus Group.
Details on the capital increase 2014
01.10.2014 - Corporate News
Telefónica Deutschland completes acquisition of E-Plus Group
29.08.2014 - Corporate News
Telefónica Deutschland receives final clearance for E-Plus acquisition
02.07.2014 - Ad-hoc release
Telefónica Deutschland supervisory board nominates future management following closing of the E-Plus acquisition: Thorsten Dirks will be CEO, Markus Haas COO and Rachel Empey CFO
02.07.2014 - Corporate News
Merger clearance: Important milestone for Telefónica Deutschland
02.07.2014, 04:00 p.m. CEST
Investor Relations
For any questions related with the Telefónica Deutschland share please contact our Investor Relations-Team.