Network coverage

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Telefónica Deutschland offers 4G/LTE coverage to over 99 percent of the population in Germany. The company is also making the fast 5G mobile standard available to its private and business customers in more and more cities and regions.
Telefónica Deutschland is consistently driving forward the expansion, for example to enable customers to enjoy even higher speeds in their daily data usage.
By using additional frequency bands, the company is increasing the available 4G/LTE capacities. In this way, even more customers are benefiting in parallel from ever better mobile data rates. For this purpose, the company is also increasingly using frequency spectrum that it previously used to operate the 3G (UMTS) standard. The company therefore switched off the 3G technology at the end of 2021 and used the freed-up frequency spectrum for the significantly more powerful 4G/LTE standard. In addition, the company will continue to focus on 4G/LTE roll-out in rural regions as well as on continuously improving coverage along key transport infrastructures such as freeways, federal highways and train lines. Telefónica Deutschland is gradually closing the remaining coverage gaps so that customers benefit from the fast 4G/LTE network wherever possible. Currently, Telefónica Deutschland is also driving forward the expansion of the 5G mobile communications standard in particular with massive investments: after initially launching the 5G standard in the five largest German cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne and Frankfurt in October 2020, the company ignited the 5G expansion turbo in 2021. Network coverage at a glance
  • GSM coverage throughout Germany: about 100%
  • 4G/LTE coverage throughout Germany: about 100%
  • 5G coverage: more than 97% of the German population (as of January 2025), nationwide by 2025

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Photo: © reeel -