German mobile communications enters the Exabyte era:O2 network handles around 1 billion gigabytes of data
The O2 network establishes the Exabyte era in German mobile communications: In the past twelve months, customers sent almost 1 billion gigabytes of data volume through the O2 mobile network. This corresponds to about one Exabyte of mobile data. Never before has so much been consumed. With this data volume, you could stream music for more than 1.5 million years at a stretch. In a competitive comparison, the O2 network is therefore at the forefront when it comes to mobile data usage in Germany.
Every day, millions of people organize their everyday life with the help of the O2 network. They connect with each other personally, use video conferences, book train tickets or sharing services via app, distribute their recorded experiences via WhatsApp or Instagram and stream YouTube videos or series in their free time - no matter where they are.
One network for all: O2 network opens up digital opportunities for every customer group
The O2 network connects most people in Germany. It has thus become a central driver of digitalization as well as a hub for connecting German consumers. The basis for this is a reliable network availability and large, affordable data packages – or even unlimited data – for every customer group. The company is also committed to a sustainable use of data: Even though the volume of data used is constantly increasing, energy consumption per gigabyte is being reduced significantly by around 50 percent in recent years alone – thanks in part to the energy-efficient expansion of the network.
With the core brand O2, customers soon get unlimited access to mobile communications from as little as EUR 29.99 (O2 Free Unlimited Basic) - anytime and anywhere. To this end, the company is intensively pushing ahead with its network expansion. The numerous second and partner brands, which offer their products and tariffs via the network of Telefónica Deutschland, address additional customer groups and provide a variety of mobile services. That is digital freedom.
Although the network connects millions of people and handles enormous amounts of data, it reliably supplies customers with the data rates required for all digital applications. According to crowdsourcing results from the connect network test in 2019, the O2 network for example offers the best download data rates in cities, with an average of 52.8 Mbit/s.
People talk about this network: customers call more than 100 billion minutes

When mobile phone calls are made in Germany, the O2 network is usually involved. The number of telephone minutes is rising steadily despite the increasing popularity of WhatsApp & Co. Last year, customers made calls in the O2 mobile network for a total of well over 100 billion minutes. Strung together, that would be a telephone call lasting more than 200,000 years. In comparison: If a Neanderthal man had already picked up the phone, he would not have finished making calls today.
Thanks to excellent network coverage for mobile telephony, customers can make calls from Flensburg to Berchtesgaden without care trouble-free - no matter whether it is a short birthday greeting, a business call or a happy telephone call with family members and friends. In the O2 network, customers are usually provided with All-Net-Flats for unlimited phone calls.
A growing network: consistent investments in nationwide network expansion

Network expansion in cities and rural areas is a top priority for Telefónica Deutschland. Having initially had to master the nationwide integration of two mobile networks by 2018 in order to offer customers a uniform and improved network experience, the company is now putting all its resources into LTE expansion - with network measures that are increasing in scope every year. The largest LTE expansion program in the company's history to date in 2019 will be replaced by an even more extensive package of measures this year. With numerous LTE capacity upgrades, the company is ensuring that customers in urban areas have access to an ever stronger mobile communications network. However, Telefónica Deutschland is focusing in particular on expansion in rural and under-served areas. The company will invest even more energy in this nationwide LTE expansion for its customers in 2020. In this way the company also intends to meet current and future coverage requirements.
This year also marks the beginning of a new technology era for numerous consumers: Telefónica Deutschland is starting its 5G roll-out in the five largest German cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne and Frankfurt. By the end of 2022, 30 cities with a total of 16 million inhabitants will be covered.
All these measures are important steps on the way to even better mobile communications coverage in Germany and an improved network experience for customers in the O2 network – also beyond the Exabyte limit.