Ombudsperson - Confidential helpline

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Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG has appointed an independent lawyer as Ombudsperson for the fight against corruption and for the prevention and mitigation of human rights and environmental risks and violations as part of its whistleblowing procedure.
Dr. Rainer Buchert, Frankfurt am Main, accepts confidential information regarding corruption and other criminal activities, such as fraud and breach of trust, and antitrust violations, as well as (imminent) violations of human rights and environmental obligations under the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), within the Telefónica Deutschland Group and its direct and indirect suppliers. The LkSG regulates the human rights and environmental obligations that large German companies must fulfil in their own business operations as well as in their supply chains. Our whistleblowing procedure corresponds to the complaint procedure of the LkSG and thus implements one of the due diligence obligations that companies must establish in order to fulfil their responsibility to respect human rights.


By letter: Attorney-at-law Dr. Rainer Buchert, Kaiserstraße 22, 60311 Frankfurt am Main. By telephone: (+49) (0)69 710 33 330 By fax: (+49) (0)69 710 34 44 4 By e-mail: The lawyer's duty of confidentiality ensures that the identity of a whistleblower will not be disclosed upon request. Information given by the whistleblower will only be passed on to the company after explicit consent has been given. Contacting the ombudsperson is also already protected. Please note that the ombudsperson cannot deal with specific questions or complaints about your contract. Please contact the service points of your provider. Further information and contact details are available at: Seek advice or give a tip at:

More information about O2 Telefónica's whistleblowing procedure

For more information on the whistleblowing procedure process and protection of data subjects, please refer to the Rules of Procedure in several languages and as a read-aloud in German and English. For human rights and environmental whistleblowing, you can also use the reporting channel .

Short and concise explanation of the whistleblower procedure
