
Leading the way for sustainable digitalisation

Digitalisation is not only changing all areas of our everyday lives, it also offers great opportunities for a better life. As a telecommunications provider, we have clearly defined our aspiration: We democratise access to and connectivity within our digital future to sustainably improve everyone’s lives. Digitalisation shall contribute to the benefit of the people and strengthen the connections between them.

Sustainability Reporting

Corporate sustainability is a central component of O2 Telefónica business mindset and activities. The Group Sustainability Report describes how the company strengthens connections and networks people. At the same time, in the interests of governance for responsible corporate management, O2 Telefónica keeps an eye on the impact on people and the environment in all its business activities.

Responsible Business Plan 2025

O2 Telefónica’s sustainability strategy is managed via the Responsible Business Plan (RBP) 2025 “Digital.Sustainable.Connected.” and aims to achieve various sustainability targets. With the RBP 2025, the company wishs to continue to responsibly shape sustainable digitalisation and the transformation of the economy and society in the future.

Our fields of action

Responsible Corporate Governance

Our principles for responsible corporate management are the basis of our actions.

Climate and environment

We offer our customers a green network.

Customers and society

We offer high-quality products and services and ensure digital inclusion for all with our modern network.


We advance the digital working world as an attractive employer.

The focus areas

Climate responsibility

The climate strategy of O2 Telefónica is a comprehensive concept in the fight against climate change and a central component of the sustainability management. The company set the target of achieving net zero emissions by 2040, with the interim goal of neutralising its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2025. Read more

Digital responsibility

Shaping the responsibly is a central aspiration of the actions of O2 Telefónica - for customers, the company, its employees and society. For O2 Telefónica, the principle is therefore: People must always remain the highest ethical instant. Because digitalisation is there for people – and not the other way around. Read more

Human rights

O2 Telefónica is committed to respect and protect human rights all along the value chain. By doing so, the company does not only follow the legal requirements, but also its own conception of values. O2 Telefónica also commits to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Read more

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