Business & Wholesale

03. Juni 2020

Participation in the worldwide research project folding@home:

Telefónica Deutschland uses computing capacities to combat the coronavirus

In the fight against the coronavirus, Telefónica Deutschland is supporting an international research association to develop therapies and vaccinations. The telecommunications provider is providing a data centre for the volunteer computing project folding@home.
02. Juni 2020

European network supplier for the most security-relevant network area:

Telefónica Deutschland builds 5G core network with Ericsson technology

Telefónica Deutschland is building the o2 mobile network of the future. For the particularly security-relevant 5G core network, the company is relying on a European provider in the form of the Swedish telecommunications supplier Ericsson. With this groundbreaking decision, the company is setting the course for a secure, digital network for the country in the coming 5G era.
27. Mai 2020

The smartphone as a mobile bank:

O2 Banking starts into the future with comdirect

O2 and comdirect bank AG will cooperate in O2 Banking in future. Together, the partners will comprehensively modernise the mobile banking offer for their customers. With comdirect, O2, the core brand of Telefónica Deutschland, has won one of the leading online banks in Germany for o2 Banking. The multiple award-winning bank stands for innovative strength, a powerful technological platform and high quality customer service.
20. Mai 2020

First virtual Annual General Meeting:

Shareholders of Telefónica Deutschland approve dividend of 0.17 euros per share

Telefónica Deutschland has successfully held its first virtual Annual General Meeting. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, shareholders were able to resolve as planned agenda items such as the payment of the dividend for 2019 and the Supervisory Board election.
18. Mai 2020

Telefónica Deutschland publishes Corporate Responsibility Report:

CO2 and energy consumption targets already exceeded

Telefónica Deutschland with its core brand O2 has largely achieved the Corporate Responsibility (CR) targets set in 2016 with the Responsible Business Plan 2020 one year earlier than originally planned. The target of reducing Co2 emissions by 11 percent compared with 2015 was significantly exceeded with a reduction of 28.5 percent by the end of 2019. While data volumes rose by 106% by the end of 2019 compared to 2015, energy consumption fell by 15%. Overall, this means a reduction in energy consumption per data volume of 56.1%. The company has been sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources since 2016.
06. Mai 2020

Good start to the year:

Telefónica Deutschland reports significant growth in sales and earnings in the first quarter

Telefónica Deutschland has made a good start to the year 2020. The company grew more strongly than in previous quarters in terms of both revenue and earnings. In the first three months, revenue rose by 3.8 percent to 1.85 billion euros, while adjusted operating income (OIBDA) increased by 1.6 percent to 532 million euros.
17. April 2020


O2 opens shops from April 20th

From next Monday, 20 April 2020, O2 will be opening its shops for customers again - the only exceptions are O2 shops in Bavaria and Thuringia. In these two federal states, the O2 shops will open one week later due to the orders of the state governments. This means that from 20 April in 14 federal states and from 27 April throughout Germany, O2 will once again offer personal advice in the O2 Shops during the known opening hours.
06. April 2020

Information on the current situation:

More information via mobile phone, more entertainment via fixed network

The current challenges around the corona topic influence the private and professional life of millions of people. Many customers are at home, working from their home office, looking after their children or are in contact with their schools and universities via the Internet. The O2 network has a very special role to play in meeting people's increased need for information and communication in these times. More than ever, we are dependent on mobile networking.
02. April 2020

Telefónica Deutschland:

Peter Löscher new Chairman of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG today elected Peter Löscher as the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board. He has been a member of the company's Supervisory Board since April 1, 2020 by court appointment.
01. April 2020

Data anonymisation:

Telefónica Germany supports Robert Koch Institute with mobility analyses in the fight against corona

In the current exceptional situation due to corona, the discussion about mobility analyses based on mobile radio data has gained momentum again. The question is whether and how these analyses can help to contain the corona virus.
30. März 2020

Keep your distance, stick together:

O2 supports initiative "Germany against Corona”

The O2 brand is the new partner of "Germany against Corona". With its "All for All" campaign, the initiative appeals to every individual to maintain the necessary safety distance in public spaces. At the same time, it wants to spread confidence and promote cohesion.
30. März 2020

For the whole of Bavaria:

Red Cross temporarily uses O2 Tower as location centre during the Corona crisis

The crisis management team of the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) is temporarily moving to the O2 Tower at Georg-Brauchle-Ring because of the corona pandemic. From there, 30 BRK employees will coordinate the emergency work for the Free State of Bavaria from the first floor of the building around the clock in three shifts, probably for the next two months.
19. März 2020

The world’s biggest networking solution in the retail sector:

Telefónica Germany connects ALDI

A flagship project for more than 8,000 ALDI sites in 14 European countries | Secure, scalable, straightforward: SD-WAN networking solution from Telefónica Germany meets all the high expectations of its partner
18. März 2020

Information on the current situation:

Telefónica Germany is closing all directly operated O2 shops until further notice

In accordance with the official requirements of the federal states and for reasons of preventive health protection, Telefónica Germany is keeping all directly operated O2 Shops throughout Germany closed until further notice with effect from 18 March 2020. This also includes O2 Shops in federal states for which no official order has been issued to date.
17. März 2020

In times of Corona online, stay informed at all times and connected across all channels:

O2 secures basic communication for millions of private and business customers

The current corona issue affects the whole of society. O2 is assuming responsibility and providing its customers with the best possible support in these challenging times: A special measure will ensure the basic communicative supply of all O2 private and business customers as well as customers of the second brand BLUE (both prepaid and postpaid). In the coming weeks, they will be able to keep up to date with the latest developments and stay in touch with family and friends without restrictions - by telephone or video telephony, via WhatsApp and other digital channels.
10. März 2020

5G campus in Berlin BASECAMP:

Telefónica Deutschland invites the public to try out 5G

5G you can touch - this is what Telefónica Deutschland is now offering at BASECAMP in the middle of Berlin. The first 5G indoor campus solution in the capital city enables all interested parties to try out the new wireless technology. In addition, the company will be promoting the exchange of information on the key topics relating to 5G at BASECAMP. The official opening ceremony with Telefónica CEO Markus Haas, Eugene Kaspersky, CEO Kaspersky, the President of the Federal Office for Information Security Arne Schönbohm and moderator and journalist Dunja Hayali marked the start of the event.
03. März 2020

Grade "good" in PC Magazin Mobilfunk Benchmark 2020*:

O2 customers surf and make calls in a reliably high-performance network

With its strong performance, the O2 network secures the grade "good" in the current mobile phone benchmark 2020 of PC Magazin and PC Go, two sister magazines of the trade magazine connect. This puts the network on an equal footing with the other network operators* in the rating ("good"). The O2 network convinced in various categories and thus once again demonstrates its reliability and performance in the digital customer's everyday life.
19. Februar 2020

Preliminary figures for the fiscal year 2019:

Telefónica Deutschland starts off the Wireless Decade with strong growth in customers, revenue and earnings

Telefónica Deutschland has successfully concluded the 2019 financial year and has fully achieved its targets. As forecast, the company grew profitably: Revenue rose by 1.1 percent to 7.4 billion euros, while adjusted operating income (OIBDA) increased by 1 percent on a comparable basis. The significantly improved network quality and the introduction of innovative tariffs, especially at O2, paid off. With almost 1.5 million additional postpaid subscribers, more people switched to the O2 network than ever before since the takeover of E-Plus.
17. Februar 2020

Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG:

Peter Löscher to become member of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Deutschland

The Management Board and Supervisory Board of Telefónica Deutschland are very pleased that they were able to win Peter Löscher as a suitable successor to Laura Abasolo García de Baquedano. He is to become a member of the Supervisory Board of the company with effect from April 1, 2020.
04. Februar 2020

Ideal in combination with O2 TV and Amazon Music Unlimited:

New O2 Free Unlimited tariffs now available

As of today, the new O2 Free Unlimited tariffs and the revised O2 Free S, M and L tariffs are available for new and existing customers.1)2)
04. Februar 2020

Construction of an energy-efficient 5G network:

Telefónica Deutschland receives EUR 450 million EIB loan

Telefónica Deutschland has secured a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) amounting to 450 million euros. The company intends to use the proceeds to build an energy-efficient 5G network and to upgrade its LTE network. In December, Telefónica Deutschland announced that it would significantly increase its investment in the mobile network in 2020 and 2021.
03. Februar 2020

New 5G research and development site in Malaga:

Telefónica and DEKRA open Europe's most modern test centre for networked driving

The mobility of the future is becoming tangible: The telecommunications provider Telefónica, together with the German testing company DEKRA, has inaugurated a new test centre for networked and autonomous driving in Malaga, Spain. On the premises, the companies are testing modern 5G solutions and "Vehicle to Everything" (V2X) vehicle technologies together with other cooperation partners from the automotive and technology sector.
30. Januar 2020

New O2 tariffs for self-employed people:

5G, double data volume and improved service

In the past twelve months, customers sent almost 1 billion gigabytes of data volume through the O2 mobile network - also because self-employed people and small businesses are using more and more mobile data. This shows that the O2 tariffs with their large data volumes at attractive prices meet the needs of customers. For private customers, O2 will, as just announced, equip the new data tariffs with twice as much performance at the same price and offer three new unlimited tariffs.
29. Januar 2020

Endless feast for the ears:

Amazon Music for O2 customers

O2 is the first network operator in Germany to offer its customers selected services from Amazon. As of 4 February 2020, new and existing customers alike will be able to enjoy Amazon Music Unlimited: O2 customers will receive unlimited access to more than 50 million songs, popular radio plays, can follow all Bundesliga matches live via audio and download their favourite songs at an attractive price and thus use them on the move without an internet connection.(1)
23. Januar 2020

German mobile communications enters the Exabyte era:

O2 network handles around 1 billion gigabytes of data

The O2 network establishes the Exabyte era in German mobile communications: In the past twelve months, customers sent almost 1 billion gigabytes of data volume through the O2 mobile network. This corresponds to about one Exabyte of mobile data. Never before has so much been consumed. With this data volume, you could stream music for more than 1.5 million years at a stretch. In a competitive comparison, the O2 network is therefore at the forefront when it comes to mobile data usage in Germany.
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