Virtual Annual General Meeting on fiscal year 2021:Telefónica Deutschland pays dividend of 0.18 euros per share

The Annual General Meeting was streamed live from the 35th floor of Munich's O2 Tower.
Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG today concluded its Virtual General Meeting for the fiscal year 2021. The items on the agenda of the shareholders' meeting for the payment of the dividend, the election of the members of the Supervisory Board and, among other things, an anticipatory resolution on the acquisition and use of treasury shares were passed with large majorities.
"In economic terms, 2021 was the most successful year in our company's history. We are growing faster than the market and at the same time increasing our profitability. An achievement we intend to build on seamlessly in the current year," said Markus Haas, CEO of Telefónica Deutschland, in his address, which was streamed live from the 35th floor of Munich's O2 Tower. In this context, the strong business performance in Q1 2022 underpins the growth momentum from 2021.
Shareholders digitally approved the proposal of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board to pay a dividend of EUR 0.18 per share for the 2021 financial year with 99.7 percent of the capital present voting in favor. This corresponds to a payout of 535 million euros. "Telefónica Deutschland once again offers a very attractive dividend yield for shareholders," emphasized CFO Markus Rolle.
With a large majority of the votes cast by the capital present, the shareholders also approved the actions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board. All Supervisory Board members to be elected by the shareholders were confirmed in office by large majorities, including the Chairman, Peter Löscher. Jaime Smith Basterra was elected for the first time to replace Peter Erskine, who left the supervisory board on December 31, 2021, in January of this year.
With a participation of around 88 percent (previous year 86%) of the registered capital, almost as many shareholders took part in the virtual format as participated in attendance events at the Annual General Meeting before the Corona pandemic.