The new O2 My Handy Bundle-Modell:Benefit from the discount on the tariff for up to 48 months

With the enhanced O2 My Handy Bundle model, O2 is following the trend that high-end smartphones in particular are now being used for much longer than 24 months on average.
O2 is expanding its fair O2 My Handy bundle offer for rate plans and smartphones: From October 5, 2021, O2 customers will have additional options for paying their devices in installments. In addition to 24 months, they can also pay off their desired device individually over 36 or 48 monthly installments and combine it with a 24-month rate plan.
The advantage of this is that the longer term of the hardware installment plan reduces the monthly charge. Customers also benefit from a discount on the mobile rate over the entire term of their installment plan - up to 48 months. This makes even higher-priced devices affordable for everyone. With the enhanced O2 My Handy Bundle model, O2 is following the trend that high-end smartphones in particular are now being used for much longer than 24 months on average.

Samsung Galaxy S21 5G (Credit: Samsung)
Loyalty pays off: Customers who opt for the Samsung Galaxy S21 5G bundled with the O2 Free M (20 GB)1), for example, can save up to EUR 600 on their mobile rate plan, depending on the term of the installment plan:
Term in months | One-time deposit for the smartphone | Monthly bundle price with O2 Free M | Total savings over the term |
24 2) | 1 EUR | 49,99 EUR | 348 EUR |
36 3) | 1 EUR | 39,99 EUR | 468 EUR |
48 4) | 1 EUR | 34,74 EUR | 600 EUR |
The total price for the Samsung Galaxy S21 5G of 829 Euros is always the same.
Fair, flexible and sustainable hardware offer at O2
After 24, 36 or 48 months, the cell phone is paid off; with their "Tag Nix", the customer only pays for their rate and no longer for their end device. In addition, customers can use the O2 cell phone purchase service with their old device and thus save additional money in the context of sustainability.
Of course, the mobile rate plan can also be terminated at the end of the minimum term of 24 months. In that case, the installment plan for the device continues as agreed and the total price for the device does not change.
100 euros switching bonus for new customers
Customers from other providers who switch to O2 currently receive a bonus of EUR 100 2) if they take out an O2 Free or O2 Free Unlimited contract with a term of 24 months or a combination package of rate plan and smartphone.