#WeStayConnected: O2 opens shops from April 20th

Available again for customers: Personal advice in one of the many O2 shops in Germany
From next Monday, 20 April 2020, O2 will be opening its shops for customers again - the only exceptions are O2 shops in Bavaria and Thuringia. In these two federal states, the O2 shops will open one week later due to the orders of the state governments. This means that from 20 April in 14 federal states and from 27 April throughout Germany, O2 will once again offer personal advice in the O2 Shops during the known opening hours.
To protect customers and employees, Telefónica Germany has equipped all O2 Shops with comprehensive hygiene packages. This includes Plexiglas panels on the counters and protective masks for all employees. In addition, dispensers with disinfectant are available free of charge to all customers at the entrance and in the shop, and signs and markings on the floor provide the necessary distance.

Dr. Kai-Uwe Laag
"In times like these, we as the telecommunications industry assume a special responsibility, because our infrastructure is an important part of the daily lives of more than 45 million people in Germany. Never before has telecommunications been more important than now, whether in private or professional life. This is why we have put together attractive offers for our customers on the occasion of the reopening of our O2 Shops. It is crucial that - in addition to our universally available digital online offers - we can also offer our customers personal advice on site. It goes without saying that we will ensure the protection of customers and employees in the process", says Dr. Kai-Uwe Laag, CEO of Telefónica Germany Retail GmbH.
The basis for the reopening is the announcement of the German government on 15 April, which allows shops with an area of less than 800 square metres to be opened under certain conditions.