Individual combination of mobile telephony and smartphone:O2 You heralds the end of rigid contract terms

Wolfgang Metze
Low or high smartphone deposit? Six or 36 monthly mobile phone payments? A few gigabytes or unlimited high-speed data volume? From 8 October, O2 customers will have their contract terms in their own hands: with O2 You, they can put together their own personal combination of mobile phone and smartphone.1) What's special: The mobile tariff can be cancelled at any time. And the end device can be paid off flexibly.
"Currently, there is much discussion about contract terms and the alleged end of mobile phone subsidies. It is our responsibility to place the customer at the centre of our actions. Once again, O2 is taking on a pioneering role in the market and showing how modern mobile communications works: We not only offer our customers an attractively priced combination of mobile telephony and smartphones, both today and in the future. We go one step further: O2 You eliminates the mobile phone runtime – and opens up an unprecedented digital freedom for customers," explains Wolfgang Metze, Chief Consumer Officer at Telefónica Deutschland. "What's unique is that the mobile tariff has no fixed term and can be individually combined with a top smartphone – just as it suits the lives of our customers. With O2 You, we offer the right solution for every customer need and every wallet".
No off-the-shelf product: over 50 possible combinations

O2 You offers over 50 possible combinations
O2 You is a combination offer consisting of a monthly terminable O2 mobile telephony plan and an O2 My Handy purchase contract with installment payment.1) O2 You customers literally have their contract conditions in their own hands: on o2.de they put together their personal O2 You offer – and have more than 50 options to combine mobile telephony and smartphone. The intuitive online configurator guides them to their goal with just a few clicks: customers first choose their desired mobile phone from a wide range of premium devices. Then they decide whether the one-time smartphone down payment should be high or low. In the next step, they specify how long they want to pay off their smartphone: With the O2 My Handy contract, customers can choose between 6, 12, 24 or 36 monthly installments. Eventually, they determine how much high-speed data volume they need per month: The mobile contract is optionally available with 1, 2, 10, 20, 30, 60 GB or unlimited high-speed data volume.2)
O2 You Discount: Loyalty pays off
Customers who opt for the new O2 combination offer receive an O2 You discount every month. The longer the mobile phone installment plan runs, the longer customers benefit from this price advantage. An example: The O2 You customer selects an iPhone 11 (64 GB), chooses a deposit of 49 euros, wants to pay off his device in 36 monthly installments and has 10 GB of high-speed data volume per month. The customer pays 39.99 euros per month.3)
In detail: For the Apple top smartphone per month 21 euro are due, for the flexible mobile tariff 34.99 euros. On the latter, O2 grants an O2 You discount of 16 euros per month. In total, the customer receives discounts of EUR 576 over a period of three years.4)
Fair and transparent: no costs for the paid smartphone
In contrast to many other bundle offers on the market, the O2 My Handy contract always ends automatically when the end device has been paid for - there are no further costs for the smartphone afterwards. From now on, customers only pay for their monthly terminable O2 mobile tariff: in the above example, 34.99 euros for 10 GB. Optionally, they can also opt for a new smartphone. If customers cancel their flexible mobile phone contract before the O2 My Handy installment plan expires, this has no effect on the smartphone payment. This will continue unchanged at the same monthly rate – 21 euros in the example. Upon request, customers can also pay the outstanding installments immediately at any time.

Calculation example for the iPhone 11
O2 You is available online, in O2 Shops and partner shops as well as on the hotline. In addition to new customers, existing customers also benefit from the attractive conditions as part of their contract extension.
1) | O2 You is an offer consisting of a monthly terminable O2 mobile telephony contract and an O2 My Handy purchase contract with installment payment, in which the customer can choose between two down payment amounts and the duration of the installment payment (6/12/24/36 months) for his smartphone as well as the data volume (1/2/10/20/30/60/unlimited GB) when ordering. |
2) | Included per billing month: national calls (except special numbers, call diversions) and SMS to all German networks as well as 10 GB high-speed data volume for mobile surfing with up to 225 MBit/s (on average 39.2 MBit/s; upload up to 50 MBit/s, on average 19.7 MBit/s) in the German O2 mobile network or up to 50 MBit/s (average 28.8 MBit/s; upload up to 32 MBit/s, average 17.4 MBit/s) for former customers of E-Plus Service GmbH & Co. KG, which were automatically converted to an O2 product. After consuming the high-speed data volume, O2 Free can be used to continue surfing the O2 network at infinity at up to 1,000 kbit/s (on average 996 kbit/s) (HD video streaming and Internet applications with similar or higher bandwidth requirements are not possible without restrictions; uploads at up to 1,000 kbit/s, on average 996 kbit/s). |
3) | Offer valid from 08.10.2019. It consists of an O2 My Handy purchase contract for the iPhone 11 (64 GB) with payment in installments of € 21.00 monthly over 36 months plus a one-time deposit of € 49 (total price: € 805) and the O2 Free M Flex mobile telephony contract without term (terminable monthly) for monthly € 18.99 plus € 39.99 connection price. If there is no cancellation, O2 Free M Flex will be charged € 34.99 monthly from 37 months. |
4) | Savings when paying off the device over a period of 36 months, compared to the separate purchase of mobile telephony tariff and smartphone. |