First quarter 2013:Telefónica Deutschland shows solid results in challenging market conditions
- 24.1 percent higher data revenue
- Successful launch of O2 Blue All-In portfolio
- Stable wireless service revenues and OIBDA development
Telefónica Deutschland is facing demanding market and competitive conditions in the current year. The solid result in the first quarter 2013 was therefore influenced by a strong market dynamic, intense competition and the regulatory environment.
With an increase of 1.3 percent over the first quarter of the previous year, the number of customer accesses (wireless, fixed network, wholesale) reached 25.3 million. The main contributor to this was the post-paid segment.
Excluding mobile termination rate cuts, wireless service revenues, wireless revenues and total revenues saw a positive development. Compared with the first quarter of the previous year, wireless service revenues increased by 0.5 percent. Wireless revenues also increased by 4.2 percent (including hardware business). The level of total revenues remained nearly unchanged and amounted to €1.2 billion at the end of the first quarter 2013.
When mobile termination rates are taken into account, revenues for wireless services declined. Wireless revenues rose by 1.0 percent but total revenue fell slightly.
"The data business in combination with high-speed Internet and innovations are key factors for the company's success," says René Schuster, CEO of Telefónica Deutschland. "We therefore intend to continue our successful way forward: We are strengthening our convergence offer and further promote digital products."
Data business continued to grow strongly in the first quarter 2013, supported by the increased use of smartphones. Compared with the first quarter 2012, smartphone penetration of O2 contract customers rose by 15.4 percentage points to 65.0 percent. Measured on the basis of total customers, penetration was already 27.9 percent. Over the same period, data revenue excluding SMS increased by 24.1 percent.
Development of non-SMS data revenues as a percentage of total data revenues remained positive. In the first quarter of the current year, the share was 63.4 percent, 9.5 percentage points above the same period of the previous year.
The new O2 blue tariffs meet the growing demand for mobile data. The great customer interest especially in the O2 Blue All-In M tariff proves the high importance of data usage for the customers. In the first quarter of 2013, non-SMS data ARPU (average revenue per user) rose by 19.0 percent to €3.9 compared with the first three months of 2012.
"2013 is notable for its particularly strong market dynamic," says Rachel Empey, CFO of Telefónica Deutschland. "Our solid results are the reward for our successful strategy. We effectively managed our customer base in a transition to the next wave of mobile data services to sustain our strong challenger position in the market."
Operating income before depreciation and amortization (OIBDA) was at a similar level to that of the first quarter of last year, reaching €278 million. The development of OIBDA margin was positive, with an increase of 0.4 percentage points over the same period.
The investment level rose when compared with the first quarter 2012. The 9.4 percent increase is driven by the intensive expansion of the LTE network. The new LTE mobile communication standard improves the data transfer rate and boosts data business.

Please find further financial figures on our Investor Relations website.
Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG, listed at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the Prime Standard, and its wholly-owned, operationally active subsidiary Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG belong to Telefónica Europe and are part of the Spanish telecommunication group Telefónica S.A. The company offers its German private and business customers post-paid and prepaid mobile telecom products as well as innovative mobile data services based on the GPRS, UMTS and LTE technologies with its product brand O2. In addition, the integrated communications provider also offers DSL fixed network telephony and high-speed internet. Telefónica Europe has more than 103 million mobile and fixed network customers in Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. |