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Telefónica Deutschland to cooperate with vitroconnect and obtain fast VDSL connections in the EWE TEL network

Credits: Telefónica Deutschland
Telefónica Deutschland is launching a partnership with vitroconnect GmbH. As a first step, Telefónica Deutschland will use the network-operator-independent platform of vitroconnect GmbH to gain access to EWE TEL GmbH’s access network. EWE TEL GmbH has a particularly strong presence in Lower Saxony, with high-performance broadband connections. With this partnership, Telefónica Deutschland is continuing to expand its position as a national fixed network provider in Germany and will be able to offer potential new customers fast VDSL connections of up to 100 Mbit/s in even more areas. It will also give many existing O2 DSL customers the option to switch to faster VDSL tariffs. The first customers have already been connected successfully.

Private and business customers benefit from improved range of products and services

Credits: Telefónica Deutschland
Alfons Lösing
“The cooperation with vitroconnect gives us access to a growing number of local fibre-optic networks. It is an ideal complement to our existing fixed network partnerships with new regions and higher internet speeds,” says Alfons Lösing, Chief Partner and Business Officer at Telefónica Deutschland. “This will benefit our private and business customers, whom we can offer high-speed internet and fixed telephony at excellent value for money in even more areas.” “We are delighted to gain Telefónica Deutschland, one of Germany’s major telecommunications companies, as a cooperation partner. With our independent platform, we will make the modern broadband infrastructure of numerous providers available for the products and services that Telefónica Deutschland offers its end customers. We will also ensure the smooth operation of the interfaces around the clock,” says Daniel Redanz, Head of Sales and Managing Director of vitroconnect GmbH. “In the north-west, we have been steadily expanding our fibre-optic network over the last 20 years and are well-known for high-speed internet connections. Thanks to the cooperation with vitroconnect and Telefónica Deutschland, more people in our region will benefit from our expansion activities, and we will benefit from greater network utilisation. We are delighted to be Telefónica Deutschland’s first regional partner,” says Andreas Hachenberger, Carrier & Wholesale Manager, EWE TEL GmbH.

Telefónica Deutschland opts for flexible and sustainable partnership model

Credits: Gettyimages
Photo: gettyimages
Telefónica Deutschland has a nationwide strategic partnership with Deutsche Telekom for the fixed network since 2013. In many cities and regions, however, regional network operators and local city carriers have also established their own fibre-optic access networks. As a result, they now supply nearly five million German households. Telefónica Deutschland has a successful fibre-optic partnership with the city carrier in the greater Hamburg area since 2010. The company is now expanding this partnership model to the rest of Germany. The Gütersloh-based vitroconnect GmbH cooperates with several local and supraregional providers and operates Germany’s largest network-operator-independent brokerage platform for broadband telecommunications connections. Telefónica Deutschland is thus making use of a simple and sustainable digital solution: A single technical interface between the systems of Telefónica Deutschland and vitroconnect is all it takes to give the company access to the products and services of all of vitroconnect’s network operator partners. These include EWE TEL and other regional fixed network operators and city carriers. In addition, vitroconnect can connect new providers to its own platform quickly and flexibly, meaning that the number of fast broadband connection options available to customers will continue to rise in the future. The increase in partnerships will improve the network experience of customers and help Telefónica Deutschland become Germany's Mobile Customer & Digital Champion by 2022.