Premium network quality:connect network test awards O2 network with "very good" rating for the first time

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Credits: Telefónica Deutschland
Markus Haas
In the current mobile network test by trade magazine connect, the O2 network secured a "very good" rating for the first time in the 25-year history of Telefónica Deutschland / O2. The toughest industry benchmark in the country thus confirms the decisive breakthrough in network quality that O2 has achieved with its 4G expansion offensive. All three German mobile networks are moving closer together in the evaluation and are on a par with each other with the grade "very good". The O2 network improved most significantly with a plus of 94 points to a meanwhile record of 852 points. In terms of mobile data usage, the O2 network is now the second best provider in Germany. "Our O2 network is stronger than ever before. We are exactly where we want to be: at eye level with the competition. To this end, we have pushed ahead with the largest network expansion offensive in our company's history in recent months", says Markus Haas, CEO of Telefónica Deutschland / O2. "But we are still a long way from reaching our goal. In the coming months, we will close the last 4G gaps, really pick up speed with the 5G roll-out and continue to significantly improve the network quality for our 44 million customers. We are igniting the data turbo for digitization in Germany. This will benefit our O2 private and business customers.”

O2 convinces with strong expansion in rural areas and excellent network in large cities

Credits: Telefónica Deutschland
The O2 network shows a particularly strong performance in mobile data usage in large cities.
In the current connect test, the O2 network convinces with reliably high-performance data connections, very good voice quality and significantly improved network coverage. The O2 network shows a particularly strong performance in mobile data usage in large cities and is the toughest competitor of Deutsche Telekom in this area - with a fulfillment rate of 90 percent in the walk tests and 86 percent in the drive tests. When driving through the cities, the O2 network achieved very good results in areas such as file downloads (99.9 percent), website visits (99.7 percent) and YouTube live streaming (99.0 percent). Thanks to the 4G expansion offensive, the O2 Network is also significantly reducing the gap in rural areas. However, O2 is making the biggest leaps forward in terms of network quality on roads and train routes. For example, connect writes about the progress made by O2 along the railroad lines: "Particularly in the rail scenario, the Munich-based company clearly overtook its competitors from Düsseldorf and came close to the category and overall winner Telekom".

O2 with very good network quality for mobile telephony and data usage

The O2 network offers customers a very good network
The O2 network offers customers a very good surfing experience. 99.24% of all Downloads were successful in the CHIP network test. Besides 99.5% of the YouTube Streams were successful, whereby O2 is the second best provider in this sub-category. Also the average data rate is impressive: On average the testers used Download data rates of approximately 45 Mbit/s in the O2 network. This means that all digital applications can be used smoothly. Positive message for all frequent callers: CHIP also assesses the voice quality in the O2 network as very good. 99.31% of all calls were successful. With the clearly more challenging telephone calls over WhatsApp even 99.62% of all calls were successful. The O2 network shares this best-in-class value with Telekom.

Network test results prove: O2 network has changed significantly

Telefónica Deutschland / O2 has invested extensively in improving and expanding the O2 network after the integration of the E-Plus network. The annual network test results reflect how much the network quality has improved in recent years. In the connect network test alone, O2 has improved by one mark every year - and now offers its customers a very good network for mobile telephony and data usage.

O2 is pursuing ambitious rollout targets

Mallik Rao
"We are pursuing the most ambitious rollout targets in the history of our company. Since the beginning of the year, we added 14 percent 4G coverage and supplied more than 7 million people with 4G data experience. In addition, we began the 5G era in the first cities in October and are now focusing on real 5G and use cases for our customers. Thanks to stable network quality, our customers were able to fully rely on our O2 network even during the corona crisis", says Mallik Rao, Chief Technology & Information Officer of Telefónica Deutschland / O2. "I am very pleased that this hard work is also accompanied by better network test results. This gives us tailwind and additional incentive for our network expansion in the coming months". Telefónica Deutschland / O2 will continue to expand its O2 network next year. In addition to the 4G expansion, the company will above all bring the new 5G standard to more and more cities and regions.