Keep your distance, stick together:O2 supports initiative "Germany against Corona”

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Wolfgang Metze is convinced: "The message 'Keep your distance' is the only right one at this time."
The O2 brand is the new partner of "Germany against Corona". With its "All for All" campaign, the initiative appeals to every individual to maintain the necessary safety distance in public spaces. At the same time, it wants to spread confidence and promote cohesion. "'Keep your distance - and still together'. We support the 'Germany against Corona' initiative because its message is the only right one at this time. Because only by maintaining physical distance in public spaces can we save lives - each one of us individually and all of us together," explains Wolfgang Metze, member of the Management Board of Telefónica Deutschland responsible for private customers. "The partnership complements our own measures. We ask O2 customers: 'Stay at home. At the same time, we make sure that they 'stay together anyway' - no longer physically, but digitally, for example via chat or video telephony."

"All for All" campaign: Social distance - but right

O2 supports the initiative "Germany against Corona"
Together with partners from business, media and culture, the "All for All" campaign demonstrates how social behaviour should work in times of Corona and how everyone can make a difference: The motifs are reminiscent of the recommended distance of two meters and call on each individual to take responsibility - for example by helping people in quarantine, buying only what they really need and not sharing false information. At the same time, the campaign encourages people to face challenges together and calls for solidarity and optimism. All tips and inspirations under the unifying motto "Keep your distance - and still together" can be found on the website and on social media (hashtag #allefüralle).

Measure by O2: Communicative basic service

O2 not only supports the initiative "Germany against Corona". The brand also assumes responsibility by ensuring that millions of O2 private and business customers stay together even though they are geographically separated: Once the monthly high-speed data volume has been used up, O2 customers can continue to use all relevant smartphone applications unlimitedly without additional costs. To this end, O2 has increased the surfing speed from mostly 32 Kbit/s to 384 Kbit/s. The first customers whose inclusive volume was used up before the end of the billing month are already benefiting from this measure, can find out about current developments around COVID-19 and stay in contact with family and friends - by phone, chat or video telephony. This also applies to customers of the second brand BLAU as well as users of ALDI TALK and other partner brands.