New O2 tariffs for self-employed people:5G, double data volume and improved service

O2 also offers the self-employed an improved price-performance ratio.
In the past twelve months, customers sent almost 1 billion gigabytes of data volume through the O2 mobile network - also because self-employed people and small businesses are using more and more mobile data. This shows that the O2 tariffs with their large data volumes at attractive prices meet the needs of customers. For private customers, O2 will, as just announced, equip the new data tariffs with twice as much performance at the same price and offer three new unlimited tariffs.
With the start of the Decade of Mobile Communications, O2 is now taking the next step and will also significantly increase the data volume in its products for the self-employed from 4 February 2020 - but not the prices.

Jörg Wrede
"With the introduction of the large and competitively priced data packages, our customers have changed their usage behavior. This also applies to self-employed persons and small companies. They use more data to work flexibly and from anywhere. And the introduction of 5G will cause data consumption to grow significantly again," explains Jörg Wrede, Director Strategy, Pricing & Business Excellence Telefónica Germany. "We offer the self-employed and small businesses an excellent overall product consisting of data-rich tariffs, top hardware, connectivity of up to 10 devices and premium service at a convincing price-performance ratio," he adds. "In addition, we are already giving our customers the assurance that they can get 5G at no extra cost".
Only the self-employed now receive 40 GB (M Boost) instead of 20 at the previous price point of 29.99 euros and 120 GB instead of 60 GB (L Boost) for 39.99 euros.1 The data volume can be used for up to 10 devices via the familiar Connect option of the Boost tariffs: This gives them the advantage of using their smartphone, tablet, Smartwatch and the phone in the car via the central data volume.2 The new O2 Free L Boost is 5G ready.3 With the combined advantage, customers can book up to four additional cards for their employees with a 50 percent price advantage, e.g. the O2 Free Unlimited Basic4 with unlimited data volume for only 14.99 Euro5.
Mega data volumes and top smartphones for self-employed people

O2 offers the self-employed exclusive contract offers.
O2 also offers attractive hardware bundles: Especially in the tariffs from the O2 Free M Boost onwards, the self-employed benefit twice over from the combination of free boost option and attractive hardware discounts. For example, self-employed people pay EUR 44.99 per month via O2 You for the iPhone 11 (64 GB) in combination with the O2 Free M Boost with a one-off payment of EUR 49 if they decide on 24 monthly installments. If they choose 36 monthly installments, they pay 34.99 Euros per month - without any additional costs. This includes 40 GB, instead of the previous 20 GB, high-speed data volume and a telephone and SMS flat rate to all German networks.
The self-employed also benefit from the service: O2 offers an exclusive customer service with its own hotline for the self-employed. Specialised service teams provide competent assistance from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. and on Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on 0179 4444 333 for mobile phones and 0800 4110 400 for fixed network products. A free replacement within 48 hours is also included in the event of a device defect. Furthermore, the landline number and free number portability are also included.
1) | 1) The tariff includes a flat rate for telephony / SMS. Applies to national calls except for calls to special numbers and call diversions, clock rate 60/60. 3 GB (O2 Free S for 19.99 Euro), 20 GB (O2 Free M for 29.99 Euro), 60 GB (O2 Free L for 39.99) data with up to 225 MBit/s (average 40.0 MBit/s; upload up to 50 MBit/s, average 19.6 MBit/s) are also included in the German tariff. O2 mobile network or up to 50 MBit/s (average 28.8 MBit/s; upload up to 32 MBit/s, average 17.2 MBit/s) for former customers of E-Plus Service GmbH & Co. KG, who were automatically switched to an O2 product. Up to 32 KBit/s after consumption of the included data volume for the rest of the billing month. The services of the tariffs (calls, SMS, data) can also be used in world zone 1 (EU foreign countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein). In the event of excessive use of the services in World Zone 1, surcharges will be levied in accordance with the EU Fair Use Policy. For more information, please see https://g.o2.de/eu-ausland. The one-off connection fee is 39.99 euros. |
2) | Up to 2 additional Multicards (with Voice-/SMS-Flat and data usage) + 7 Datacards (only data usage in world zone 1) can be added to the tariff, which each access the high-speed data volume included in the tariff (Connect Option). With the additional cards, the transmission speed is reduced to up to 32 KBit/s for upload and download after consumption of the high-speed data volume (does not apply to tariffs with unlimited data volume). |
3) | As soon as available for the tariff, a 5G option can be added at no extra charge, which enables the data volume to be used with 5G within the scope of the respective network coverage. Customers will be notified via SMS/RCS. A 5G-capable terminal device is required for 5G usage. |
4) | Up to 2 MBit/s (download up to 2 MBit/s, upload up to 1 MBit/s) in the German O2 mobile network. HD video streaming and internet applications with similar or higher bandwidth requirements are not possible without restrictions. |
5) | Price applies when ordering a mobile phone tariff with a minimum contract term of 24 months as a partner card without hardware discount by customers with an O2 mobile phone contract entitling them to a combined advantage, for the duration of the simultaneous existence of both contracts. Combinable tariffs can be viewed at www.o2.de/tarif-kombinationen. |